Under the pillar, the HoAI shall undertake the following activities and projects:
Improvement of the 6,000-kilometer regional transport infrastructure network connecting four priority corridors.
Power integration through regional energy interconnections and power trade between the countries of the Horn.
It is hoped the projects shall contribute to Strengthening of strategic economic corridors to connect hinterland to ports and markets.
Increase access to economic opportunities and improve productivity and regional spillover benefits.
The following aspects are envisaged under the pillar on Economic and Trade Integration
Improve trade facilitation and regional value chain development.
The connectivity of border agencies helps speed up the delivery of basic goods and services and expand trade.
Increase trade and reduce transport costs along key HoA corridors.
Increase investments and improve the institutional climate for regional value chains including livestock and agribusiness.
Strengthening resilience to climatic shocks including recurrent droughts, floods, and pests, as well as conflict, displacement, and development of the borderlands.
HoAI is committed to building capacities for ground water management to help communities cope with and adopt climate shocks.
Other areas of focus include resilience against desert locus upsurges and other transboundary threats, promoting resilience in the borderlands and support for agro-pastoralism.
Enhancing skills to find regional solutions to improve human capital service delivery, health systems, and pandemic preparedness.
Horn of Africa Secretariat
Ministry of Finance, King George Avenue, Sidist Kilo, Yekatit 12 Square, MoF Cooperation building, 2nd Floor – 204, Arada Sub-city, Woreda11/12, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
All Rights Reserved 2025 by Horn of Africa Initiative